Tuesday, Friday to Sunday     12:00 – 20:00
Wednesday to Thursday        12:00 – 21:00
Closed Mondays
Ticket office closes 30 minutes
before Museum closing time

Anatoly Zverev


Soviet Nonconformist Art from A to Z


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Film screening

Cinema Tuesdays. Rembrandt

15 November 2022, 19:30
250 — 500 ₽

AZ Museum, Moscow

Film screening

Cinema Tuesdays are the new series of lectures and movie shows in the AZ Museum. We will try focusing on the diversity of creative fields like visual arts, music or theater, on the film characters that will never be out of vogue. Aiming to recall only the movies we could enjoy not once, but far more times.

Rembrandt’s art has been inspiring people for centuries. The artist’s life was fulfilled with events, so that many film directors created pictures based on the painter’s life story. На нашей встречи мы вспомним фильмы, которые не только рассказывают о жизни великого мастера, но и приоткрывают лабораторию его творчества. Особо поговорим о картине «Тайна "Ночного дозора"» британского режиссера Питера Гринуэя, который рассказал о создании знаменитой картины в своем экстравагантном и непредсказуемом стиле. И после посмотрим этот замечательный фильм.

The author and presenter of the program is Sergei Tomash, publisher of the Inflight Magazine, lecturer and a person with remarkable breadth of knowledge.

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